by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s thrilling Mediterranean adventure comes to life aboard the Rose Dorothea, a 66-foot fishing schooner, staged by the creators of last year’s hit, The Hairy Ape.
directed by Brenna Geffers
featuring Chris Anthony
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
In a legendary and impure world, the big-hearted hero Pericles is washed clean, and the innocent heroine Marina is beset by horrors. Chris Anthony – who played Yank in The Hairy Ape – will play Gower the narrator, as well as a pirate who rescues Marina from the brink of death, only to sell her to a bordello (spoiler alert: there’s a happy ending).
Brenna Geffers’ company, Die-Cast, performs in non-theater spaces, and in Provincetown they will stage Pericles on the deck of the Rose Dorothea, the 66-foot fishing schooner inside the Provincetown Library.
Pericles is thematically paired with the National Theatre of Ghana’s production of Ten Blocks on the Camino Real.