Which sponsorship is right for you?
Support a show or Institute curriculum that speaks to your mission and values
Title Sponsor (Only one per Festival!) $25,000
Presenting Sponsor $15,000
Major Sponsor $10,000
Star Sponsor $5,000
Production Sponsor $2,500
Event Sponsor $1,000
Community & Media Partnerships
Donate event spaces. dining, printing,
or other useful services
Donate advertising or PSA time
Presenting Sponsor $15,000 in value
Major Sponsor $10,000 in value
Star Sponsor $5,000 in value
Production Sponsor $2,500 in value
Event Sponsor $1,000 in value
Adopt A Show
Is there a show that speaks perfectly to your mission? Would you like to be the sole Presenting Sponsor for an entire production?
Adopt-A-Show for just $1,000.