Directed by Kim McKean with the artists of the festival

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A Supply of Summer presents an anthology of words and images of visionaries who reported on (and fantasized about) the same fishermen, tourists, lovers, and sand dunes as Williams. 

Join us for first person accounts of Provincetown by people who were in Provincetown when Williams was there:

  • Anais Nin – French-born feminist icon, famous for her diaries, wrote Provincetown erotica

  • Harold Norse – Brooklyn-born gay poet, watched Williams write The Glass Menagerie in Provincetown

  • Pavel Tchelitchew – exiled Russian prince, surrealist

  • Charles Henri Ford – Mississippi-born surrealist poet, Tchelitchew’s boyfriend

  • Valeska Gert – Berlin’s 1920s avant-garde performance artist. Ran a nightclub in Provincetown

  • Georg Grosz – the German caricaturist, moved to Provincetown and painted erotic visions of the dunes

Provincetown deposited in me not its ordinary gifts, antiques, shells, fish, sailors' lanterns, nets, glass bowls, paintings, but a supply of summer to last through the winter.” The Diaries of Anaïs Nin, Summer 1941.