Boatslip Resort & Beach Club
161 Commercial St

  • 9/26 Thursday — 12 - 1 PM; 6 - 7 PM

  • 9/28 Saturday — 12 - 1 PM

  • 9/29 Sunday — 12 - 1 PM; 2- 3 PM


by Tennessee Williams

Directed by Brenna Geffers with her Philadelphia-based Die-Cast Ensemble

@ Boatslip Resort & Beach Club

Running time: 55 minutes

Green Eyes is an erotic thriller by Tennessee Williams. A young couple in a hotel in New Orleans' French Quarter wake up from their honeymoon night. The bride is covered in bruises. The groom, a soldier on leave from a war in Southeast Asia, can’t remember what happened.  The festival’s 2024 production, directed by Brenna Geffers with her Philadelphia-based Die-Cast Ensemble, performs the text twice, teasing out the possibilities of a lost memory retrieved by an erotic fantasy that might be true, even if it never really happened.

BOY: I want a explanation of what wint on here las’ night.
GIRL: I give you the explanation an’ I’m not gonna repeat it since your memory’s blank.

-Green Eyes