In the Room Where He Waits is Timothy Despina Marshall’s critically acclaimed queer gothic film. Set during the pandemic, a Broadway-bound gay Australian actor (played by Daniel Monks), about to appear as Tom in The Glass Menagerie, secretly flies home to Brisbane for his father’s funeral. He rehearses by Zoom pretending to be in Los Angeles, lying to his director, his mother, but not the actress playing Laura or to himself. The hotel room he’s stuck in is haunted. The Festival is pleased to present a special screening of In the Room Where He Waits this September.

In the Room Where He Waits is a chilling exploration of grief, identity, and the supernatural. Director Timothy Despina Marshall crafts a suspenseful tale that lingers long after the credits roll. Prepare to be both disturbed and moved by this haunting cinematic experience.

Neill Frazer, OutLoud! Culture