Creative Responses to Censorship!

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Enhance your Festival Experience with a Workshop!

Festival workshops are a great complement to our live performances and help us dig deeper into this year's theme of Tennessee Williams and Censorship.

In addition to Lefty Lucy's Burlesque Workshop and one led by Andy Warhol protégé Penny Arcade, we're also offering an interactive censoring of the 1951 film of A Streetcar Named Desire, led by the Festival’s former Executive Director, Jef Hall-Flavin.

And if you are new to the Festival, you can get started with, Williams 101, an occasion to learn everything you’d want to know about Tennessee Williams but were afraid to ask.

This year’s Festival will be in-person in Provincetown, September 23 – 26. Festival passes and tickets to individual shows and workshops are available now.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Your Introduction to the Festival - Williams 101


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